What information can I provide for an issue to help resolve it more quickly?


Want to get faster answers from our support teams? By providing some of the following when you first submit your issue we can get looking into it much more quickly.  

1. A link to your cloud, in case we need to look at your set up, it seems like all clouds are set up a bit differently, and giving us the link to the cloud in question will help us check your setup and get you specific answers much more quickly.  

2. A description of the issue, or steps that you followed to see the error. Telling us "The Cloud is down" is great, but it takes us a bit to sort through the multitude of issues that that might be. If you tell us: "When I go to https://cloud.secure-od.com I get a 500 error", that specific information helps us locate where we need to start working immediately.  

3. Direct links, if you want us to look at a virtual machine/ disk etc. It will really help us if you give a direct IP Address, something like: "Can you take a look at this VM: That lets us know right away what you are looking at and we won't have to take the extra step of confirming, did you mean this VM?